I Am…

A professional chef & 34 year veteran of the food & beverage industry. Food, much like art, is a form of sustenance…one necessary for the body while the other feeds the soul. Both of which I’m grateful to be passionate about.

My Left Eye…

Why My Left Eye you ask? Because it’s my left eye that peers through the viewfinder to capture life’s moments.

As you may have noticed from my work, my photographic expressions are all over the spectrum. That said, I have no real “true north” when it comes to photography. I just love it all!! And, that which I’m not familiar with, I want to learn. However, I will say my true “champion shots” are longer exposure shots, both in nature & on the streets. It creates a stunningly beautiful image with glass-like after tones…love it. But I also adore street photography and capturing the true synergy between humans and buildings. These are the images that truly have the ability to tell a story.

Other Passions…

We (my life partner Sarah & I) are as passionate about travel as we are of photography which would make sense as most of my art is taken while traveling. That said, when choosing locations to visit, my photography plays a large role in all destination decisions. My goal is to place myself in areas of natural beauty; & by doing so, the doors open to capturing the best moments - moments we are proud to share with you. It too, goes without saying, that as a chef, food and culture play a large role in all decisions travel.